The total light source of the light source uses the light source efficiency of the two input AC total work X efficiency (the efficiency is generally 80%-90%, the improvement of the glare plus the film will even drop 50% or even the chromatic efficiency is included in the gambling efficiency, therefore The test sunlight cut light (10%) is used for the ç š effect. The light source efficiency should not be 90lm/W and may be 9lm/W. It is also the reason why LED is used to illuminate colored light.
LED calculation efficiency (according to the city's lighting comparison, test AC TODC and phase turbulence control road efficiency) light source total light flux ft general LED light source calculation source efficiency is usually only the power consumption of the LED itself, and the most used sunlight For example, the efficiency of the city's communication end is counted as the phase of the rhyme, and even the law is the same. Anti-stupid LED is used for city lighting, and the power consumption of ACTODC and derating current is reduced. 1) The special report of the 10th edition of the AC-sealed lighting technology and camp fft seminar on the market 63%-79%, the closer the game is to the market, the higher its efficiency, but its cost is USD 10-20. It is often ignored. 2) The LED light source is a fluid component, and the luminance is proportional to the current, but the VI is non-linear, such as clipping LEDIF=20mA, Vf-1.9V, IF=150mA, Vf-2.55V, IF-200mA, Vf=2.8V. An offset LED stream easily flows into the large stream, and the high-power large-flow LED blocks the current limit, and the resistance flows into the large flow. The power consumption is large, and the other is high. The high-power LED must use the fixed flow path. Therefore, high-power LED is used for the city's efficiency calculation, correction: the city uses LK) light source efficiency light source total light through the scene / Note: IV (referring to LED components) LED market use light source efficiency road rectification into 舆 efficiency counted, If you use the angle of the product directly, it will lose efficiency. Therefore, the LED can contain an efficient light source.
Annex 1: Calculation efficiency é³ source light source efficiency light source use efficiency life source road efficiency city efficiency efficiency 剿 efficiency white three-color daylight (sub-type) daylight (cutting light) LED light source source string efficiency with the most efficient one-type seesaw TO gold seal ç š 阻 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般 一般Bright 2-3 small or more balanced P / N / power consumption can be calculated. The finished product really has to be blocked by the pong.
2.2.2 is used for the cost of the city LED bright: MR16LED wear case true: USD LH) light source light source LED cost / brightness AC * DC serial flow path cost robbery cost power consumption robbery cost city efficiency / cost life 2.2. 2.1 In terms of efficiency, the efficiency of AC-DC must be accounted for by The cost is calculated. After MR16 can be used for peak embedding brightness, LM/COST is important for 0.5W1W with efficiency. 2. Features: U) Internal demon LED technology (2) its flow division uniformity improvement L3) increase the face to do bright (4') provincial and PAD peak
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