The solid color dress looks good. What color dresses are better to wear in summer?

On a hot summer day, the dress is definitely the best piece in summer.

Whether it’s daily travel or vacation,

It is the first choice for girls!

Cool and elegant, but also save the troubles of matching!


To say that the best control must be a solid color dress,

No excessive color doping, simple and refreshing, pure,

Make you beautiful without any effort!

纯色连衣裙好看吗 夏季穿哪些颜色的连衣裙更好看

Zipper Chain

The zipper chain is a semi-finished product, sold as a whole roll. After installing the slider and upper and lower stops, cut it to make a finished zipper. The zipper roll contains aluminum Zippers , metal copper zippers, nylon zippers, invisible zippers, plastic zippers.The Metal Zipper roll is about 100 meters per roll, the Nylon zipper and Plastic Zipper are 200yard per roll.

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RR Zipper ,

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